Get involved

Find a Dojo to join

Finding a Dojo close to you is a simple process. Use our search feature to see Dojos in your area, and sort results by distance and by upcoming events. Once you’ve found the Dojo for you, join as a member to receive notifications about future sessions.

Volunteer at a Dojo

There are lots of ways for Dojo volunteers to support their Dojo: they can plan Dojo sessions, promote sessions locally, communicate with parents, decide on learning resources, mentor young coders, and organise the space.

You don’t need to be a programmer or technology specialist to get involved! Lots of volunteers are parents and guardians of Dojo participants, and they start with no technical experience. Dojos benefit from having mentors with different skills, backgrounds, and levels of knowledge to support and encourage young coders.

Start a Dojo

Another way to volunteer with CoderDojo is to start your own Dojo. All you need to do is find a public venue to host your Dojo sessions and complete our simple application process. Our website provides resources and training to support you, plus a dedicated system to help you to manage your Dojo sessions.

Join our translation community

We need people to help translate our website and resources to make them accessible to more young people and volunteers around the world. You do not need to be an experienced translator. If you are confident in translating from English into another language, and are able to offer your time to help us, we’d love to hear from you.

Become a partner

Are you part of an organisation that wants to bring digital making to your community? Do you share our values and mission? If you are looking to start more than one Dojo to expand your impact in your community, check out our partnership opportunities.

Become a partner

Are you part of an organisation that wants to bring digital making to your community? Do you share our values and mission? If you are looking to start more than one Dojo to expand your impact in your community, check out our partnership opportunities.